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Happy Birthday to Us

27th September 2021

Last Thursday we celebrated our 102nd birthday. To mark the occasion we held a commemorative service at All Saints Church which included Ruiya playing beautifully on the piano and with…

Avon House Autumn Stroll

23rd September 2021

Last Sunday the Avon House family took part in our very first Autumn Stroll. Even though the weather could have been better our turn out was still exceptionally outstanding with…


16th September 2021

HAPPY NATIONAL TA DAY to our hard working teaching assistants. We thank all that you do at the school – “Teaching Assistants – Because even teachers need heroes!”

15th September 2021

Last Friday we held the Welcome Service at All Saints Church instead of the school hall due to our ever-extending Avon House family and what a beautiful setting it was…

Back to School

8th September 2021

It was an absolute delight to see old faces and new through the school gate on Monday and to welcome the nursery parents into the Avon House family. We wish…

Rights Respecting School

13th July 2021

We are very proud to display our Rights Respecting School Gold banner to recognise the excellent contributions of our pupils in achieving the award. In order to achieve the gold…

We Are Gold

14th June 2021

We are delighted to announce that Avon House has been awarded Gold by UNICEF UK’s Rights Respecting School programme. UNICEF is the world’s leading organisation working for children and their…