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Know Your Rights

23rd February 2023

Our RRS Council continues to be busy promoting Children’s Rights around our school. This week, they have updated their RRS Board which is located in our School’s Library. The board…

Swords, Shields and Saxons

22nd February 2023

Our Year 3s were transported back to Saxon times with a special visit from Portals to the Past. The children in 3KI and 3HS learnt all about Saxon history and…

Inter-House Pancake Tossing Competition

21st February 2023

Mrs Fairy and the catering team were up all night making not only pancakes for the pupils for dessert for lunch today, but also a whole batch for the pupils…


20th February 2023

In this morning’s Assembly, we reflected on the importance of Belonging and discussed the importance of feeling accepted and comfortable in our communities. We shared a story about the journey…

Welcome Back Space Travellers!

20th February 2023

Welcome back for the second half of the Spring Term! Our Foundation 2 (Reception) children have a new book in Literacy this week called ‘Whatever Next!’ Their Half-Term homework was…

Let’s Connect

13th February 2023

We explored this year’s theme of Children’s Mental Health week, ‘Let’s Connect,’ by discussing connecting with kindness, sharing connections that the children have and the impact this can have on…

Cavell Crowned Winners of Our Inter-House Music Competition

10th February 2023

It was all to sing for in our Inter-House Music Competition this morning. Well done to everyone for taking part and a special mention to our solo and group performers….

£550 Raised For RSPB

10th February 2023

Our RRS Council have been braving the cold to sell RSPB badges before school every morning for the past 2 weeks. This morning, they were joined by RSPB area rep,…

Our Ultimate Rock Hero

9th February 2023

We have been searching for the Ultimate Rock Hero as part of STEM Week using Times Table Rock Stars! On Monday, all children from Year 2 to Year 6 took…

Maths Mentors

9th February 2023

Thursday was our ‘Maths’ Day as part of our STEM week. Our Year 6s, Year 5s and Year 4s were tasked with creating Maths games and puzzles to teach our…


Reserve your place: Open Events | Private Prep School, Essex | Avon House School


The morning starts at 9am with refreshments in the School Hall. Mrs Campbell (Headteacher) will host a talk at 9.15am including information on our extended Wraparound Care provision, 30 house free childcare code option as well as Nursery sessional timings. Following the talk, our Year 6 pupils will conduct personal tours of the school. We look forward to seeing you there!