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Renewable Energy

23rd March 2023

This term in Humanities, Year 5 have been learning about natural resources, in particular the ones used to make energy in the UK. Luckily, one of our parent’s works in…

U10 Girls Football Training Match @ St Aubyn’s

23rd March 2023

AHS travelled to St Aubyn’s for a U10 Girls Football training match on Tuesday 21st March. The aim of the match was for the children to gain more experience playing…

Puffin’ Along

22nd March 2023

Our Puffins were out and about in the local area this week, on their very first school trip together. Puffing down to Woodford Station over two days, they had a rail-y…

MFL Fair at Bancroft’s School

21st March 2023

There was a continental feel on Friday 17th March when 10 pupils from Year 5 attended an MFL Fair at Bancroft’s School. Bancroft’s senior linguists entertained ours by delivering a wide…

Dream Factory Assembly

20th March 2023

It’s the turn of Churchill House to lead the end of term fundraiser and this year, Churchill has chosen the Dream Factory charity. This morning, we had 2 visitors from…

Mother’s Day Celebrations

17th March 2023

A big thank you to Year 1 Cranes who hosted a special Mother’s Day Assembly this morning. The children spoke about why they love their mums and also tied in…

U9 Boys Football Tournament at Forest

17th March 2023

On Thursday 16th March, eight U9 boys represented AHS at a Forest School Football Tournament. Against high-quality opposition, Avon House fought hard in the initial group stages to qualify for…

Protecting BSL

16th March 2023

This week (Monday 13th – 19th March) is British Sign Language Week. This is celebrated every year in March to commemorate the first time British Sign Language (BSL) was acknowledged as…

Easter Egg Collection for The Trussell Trust

15th March 2023

Our staff, pupils and parents have been donating Easter Eggs for The Trussell Trust over the past two weeks. This year, The Trussell Trust asked for pupils to add a…

Museum of Docklands

12th March 2023

On Thursday, Year 5 travelled down to West India Quay to go to the Museum of London Docklands. The museum has excellent links to the Year 5 curriculum, including Crime…


Reserve your place: Open Events | Private Prep School, Essex | Avon House School


The morning starts at 9am with refreshments in the School Hall. Mrs Campbell (Headteacher) will host a talk at 9.15am including information on our extended Wraparound Care provision, 30 house free childcare code option as well as Nursery sessional timings. Following the talk, our Year 6 pupils will conduct personal tours of the school. We look forward to seeing you there!