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The Dream Factory Charity Day

31st March 2023

Today’s fundraising event was led by Churchill House for The Dream Factory. We have raised so far a generous amount, totalling over £1,000 and more is still to come!!! This…

Soundproofing Sheeran

31st March 2023

To conclude Year 4’s Science topic on Sound this term, the children carried out an investigation on soundproofing. They wanted to investigate the best material for soundproofing a music studio…

Buzzing Bees

30th March 2023

The Sewing Bees have been busy again this term creating ‘egg-citing’ eggs for Easter.  Not edible ones of course! but bright felt fabric eggs with lots of decorations. A very satisfied and…

Bronze at the Open International d’Orleans European Championships

29th March 2023

Congratulations to Ava (6JM) for her podium finish at the Open International d’Orléans European Championships last weekend. The international bronze medal is an amazing addition to Ava’s Commonwealth and English…

Traitors’ Gate and The Crown Jewels

29th March 2023

What a fabulous finale Year 2 had for their topic, Bright Lights, Big City! On Tuesday 28th March, they travelled by tube to the Tower of London. The children eagerly…

Minithon Top 10 Gold Medallist

28th March 2023

Well done to Kehanique (5AN) who participated in the Minithon at Lee Valley Athletic Centre last weekend. Kehanique competed in the 60m, 200m and 600m races and was awarded a…

Revolting Children

28th March 2023

The Prep Dance Club attendees truly showed their ‘revolting’ side whilst performing their Spring Term routine, a spin-off from the West End musical hit ‘Revolting Children’ to their peers in…

What A Load Of Rubbish!

27th March 2023

Last Friday, the Sustainability Council gave up their lunchtime to complete a litter pick on the green near school. Armed with rubbish bags, litter pickers, gloves and welly boots the…

U11 Boys Football Tournament

25th March 2023

On Friday 24th March, some children went to Chingford Goals for a big tournament, hosted by Woodford Green Prep School. In our group, there was Woodford Green D team, Loyola…

Youth Makes Music

24th March 2023

Last Friday, choir members from Years 4, 5 and 6 visited Chigwell School to participate in a charity event run by the Roding Rotary Club. It was entitled “Youth Makes…


Reserve your place: Open Events | Private Prep School, Essex | Avon House School


The morning starts at 9am with refreshments in the School Hall. Mrs Campbell (Headteacher) will host a talk at 9.15am including information on our extended Wraparound Care provision, 30 house free childcare code option as well as Nursery sessional timings. Following the talk, our Year 6 pupils will conduct personal tours of the school. We look forward to seeing you there!