child swimming

Category: Uncategorised

ÂŁ550 Raised For RSPB

10th February 2023

Our RRS Council have been braving the cold to sell RSPB badges before school every morning for the past 2 weeks. This morning, they were joined by RSPB area rep,…

Our Ultimate Rock Hero

9th February 2023

We have been searching for the Ultimate Rock Hero as part of STEM Week using Times Table Rock Stars! On Monday, all children from Year 2 to Year 6 took…

Maths Mentors

9th February 2023

Thursday was our ‘Maths’ Day as part of our STEM week. Our Year 6s, Year 5s and Year 4s were tasked with creating Maths games and puzzles to teach our…

Faulty Towers

8th February 2023

As part of our STEM Week, Year 2 were tasked with the engineering challenge of creating the tallest tower using only paper cups. Some of the best teamwork and ‘aha’…

Safer Internet Day

7th February 2023

Tuesday’s Safer Internet Day saw the School having lots of open conversations about how we feel about using technology as well as some of the downsides of being online, from…

Creating a Terrarium

7th February 2023

During STEM week, Year 5 explored a number of  challenges, including making torches from water bottles, creating a terrarium, studying climate change and finding solutions for air pollution, including their…

Ice, Ice, Crazy

6th February 2023

As part of STEM week, our Year 4s took part in a lot of practical activities, including making ice cream. Did you know that you can make ice cream without…

ISA U11 London North Netball Runner’s Up

2nd February 2023

Avon House hosted the U11 and U13 ISA London North Netball Qualifiers at Redbridge Sports Centre on Wednesday 1st February. Our U11 team played extremely well and got through to…

Walk To School

25th January 2023

It was the turn of our F2, Y2 and Y5 classes to take part in “Walk To School” this morning. The termly event promotes travelling to school in a sustainable…

Kung Hei Fat Choy!

20th January 2023

Our Chinese New Year celebrations started with an entertaining assembly by Year 3KI this morning. The pupils retold the story of The Great Animal Race in a visual way including…


Reserve your place: Open Events | Private Prep School, Essex | Avon House School


The morning starts at 9am with refreshments in the School Hall. Mrs Campbell (Headteacher) will host a talk at 9.15am including information on our extended Wraparound Care provision, 30 free Nursery hours option as well as Nursery sessional timings. Following the talk, our Year 6 pupils will conduct personal tours of the school. We look forward to seeing you there!