On Tuesday 8th October, the RRS Council went on a trip to The Houses of Parliament. It was a wonderful experience; we loved seeing how the country was run and being around those who must protect our rights. The trip started with an early morning drop off at the Woodford station, before a less than…
We are proud and delighted to announce that Avon House has been re-accredited over the summer and has once again been awarded Gold by UNICEF UK’s Rights Respecting School programme. UNICEF is the world’s leading organisation working for children and their rights. The Rights Respecting Schools Award is granted to schools that show commitment to…
This week, Year 2 were very lucky to have a speaker, Mr Grant, come in to speak to us about Passover. We have been learning about Judaism during our RPS lessons, and the children showed an impressive understanding of Passover at the start of the session! Mr Grant took the children through the foods on…
On Wednesday 6th December, representatives from Avon House’s RRS Council were invited to visit The Mulberry House School in West London, which is RRS Silver but starting their journey to Gold. We were asked to share our experiences and ideas about becoming Rights Respecting Gold and, as we approach the Summer Term when we are…
The RRS Council was delighted to hold a non-uniform day to mark World Mental Health Awareness Day. Children were asked to leave their school uniform at home and to enjoy the opportunity to wear their own choice of clothes for lessons, in exchange for a minimum of £1. This idea was the inspiration of Isaac…
The RRS Council had a very exciting week. They were invited to give a presentation to the Head Teachers Conference about what it means to be a Rights Respecting School. All eleven members of the Council worked hard to explain what UNICEF is, what children’s rights are and how important it is for children to…
On Wednesday, the newly appointed members of the RRS (Rights Respecting Schools) Council visited the Houses of Parliament, the seat of democracy in the UK, with the mission to discover more about how they can make their voices heard and ensure that they achieve their rights. Starting in the Palace of Westminster where Queen…
Our RRS Council sold sunflowers at the end of the day last Friday, raising funds for The Trussell Trust. They raised an amazing £300! RRS council will now use the money raised to travel to a local supermarket in a school minibus and buy the goods themselves to donate to The Loughton Foodbank.
For Easter homework, each year group was given an article from UNICEF to focus on. In Year 4 the article was ‘Article 29 – Your right to develop your personalities, talents and abilities, to understand your rights and respect other people’s rights, cultures and differences.’ The children completed some lovely pieces of work, but we were…
In line with their religious studies learning, our Year 2 and Year 4 pupils were visited by Mr Grant, a primary school teacher and active participant in the Essex Jewish Community. We would like to thank Mr Grant for giving up the time to come into school to talk to our children about Passover today….