child swimming

Category: News

Puffin’ Along

22nd March 2023

Our Puffins were out and about in the local area this week, on their very first school trip together. Puffing down to Woodford Station over two days, they had a rail-y…

Dream Factory Assembly

20th March 2023

It’s the turn of Churchill House to lead the end of term fundraiser and this year, Churchill has chosen the Dream Factory charity. This morning, we had 2 visitors from…

Protecting BSL

16th March 2023

This week (Monday 13th – 19th March) is British Sign Language Week. This is celebrated every year in March to commemorate the first time British Sign Language (BSL) was acknowledged as…

Easter Egg Collection for The Trussell Trust

15th March 2023

Our staff, pupils and parents have been donating Easter Eggs for The Trussell Trust over the past two weeks. This year, The Trussell Trust asked for pupils to add a…

Holi Art

8th March 2023

Whilst the rain prevented us from holding our Holi celebrations in the school’s playground, it didnt stop our Art of Art’s Sake Club who created their own colourful Holi pictures…

Quiz Club National Championships

8th March 2023

On Monday 6th March, two teams from Avon House travelled to St Cedd’s School in Chelmsford to compete in the qualifying round of the Quiz Club National Championships.  The teams…

Inter-House Pancake Tossing Competition

21st February 2023

Mrs Fairy and the catering team were up all night making not only pancakes for the pupils for dessert for lunch today, but also a whole batch for the pupils…


20th February 2023

In this morning’s Assembly, we reflected on the importance of Belonging and discussed the importance of feeling accepted and comfortable in our communities. We shared a story about the journey…

Welcome Back Space Travellers!

20th February 2023

Welcome back for the second half of the Spring Term! Our Foundation 2 (Reception) children have a new book in Literacy this week called ‘Whatever Next!’ Their Half-Term homework was…

Let’s Connect

13th February 2023

We explored this year’s theme of Children’s Mental Health week, ‘Let’s Connect,’ by discussing connecting with kindness, sharing connections that the children have and the impact this can have on…