child swimming

Category: News


15th September 2023

Wonder (definition) – To be filled with admiration, amazement, or awe. At Avon House, we are constantly challenging children to think for themselves, to develop their ideas and be self-reflective….

A Sustainable Start

12th September 2023

The Sustainability Council had their first meeting on Tuesday and already have a manifesto of issues they want to tackle around the school. Everything from recycling clothes and reading glasses,…

A Budding Journalist

8th September 2023

Congratulations to Jenny (6NH) who interviewed Alice Roberts about her new children’s book for New Scientist over the summer holidays. She was very brave and did an amazing job! Well…

Tales from the Toybox

7th September 2023

The Year 1 team are so happy to be back in school and we hope the children are too! We love getting to know our new classes and are very…

Bright Lights, Big City

7th September 2023

We are so proud of the children in Year 2. They are settling in brilliantly and have displayed great enthusiasm for our topic, Bright Lights, Big City! During our WOW…

Welcome Back!

7th September 2023

Our Year 6s were on hand to help spell out Mrs Campbell’s inspirational words to the pupils and parents that attended our Welcome Service at All Saints church this morning. …

Churchill House Breakfast

20th June 2023

On Tuesday 20th June, Churchill House came together with our parents to help celebrate our achievements this year. Ava and I were delighted to see so many parents joining us…

Butty and a Brew

16th June 2023

This morning (Friday 16th June) Years 1 and 2 enjoyed hosting their dads at school for a special ‘Butty and a Brew’ Father’s Day breakfast. The children loved sitting with…

Lego Cars

13th June 2023

In Computing lessons, Year 2 have been busy designing and building their own Lego cars.  The children had to consider the amount of Lego to use, as well as the…

Litter Picking On The Green

2nd June 2023

The ever-active Sustainability Council once again gave up their lunchtime to descend on the Green to pick up as much litter as they could find on Friday 26th May. Hunting…