child swimming

Category: News

The Wind in the Knighton Woods

15th April 2024

For this term’s WOW Day, Year 2 were introduced to our new text, The Wind in the Willows, as well as exploring a woodland habitat. We began the day by…

Wheelie Good Cycling Skills

25th March 2024

Year 5 had the chance to demonstrate how ‘wheelie good’ their cycling skills are as they took part in our Bikeability course, a cycling training programme on Thursday. Gaining new…

Mother’s Day Celebrations

9th March 2024

We had a lovely Mother’s Day treat last Friday and were so pleased that so many of you could join us for this special celebration. Year 1 Cranes led a wonderful…

Worst Ever Litter Pick…in a good way!

5th March 2024

The Sustainability Council endured their worst ever litter pick during today’s lunchtime. It was very apparent, said Miss Whitestone, that the Green was much cleaner than usual with far less…

Come Rain or Shine

1st March 2024

Our youngest learners have been out and about this week come rain or shine.  On the Weekly Walk, our Nursery Puffins used what they have been learning about shapes this…

Urdu Storytelling

29th February 2024

As part of February’s Language of the Month, Mrs Yasmeen was invited by Miss Whitestone into classes from Years 2 – 6 to read to the children familiar stories in…

Anglo-Saxon Raiders and Different Types of Codes

22nd February 2024

Year 3 enjoyed finishing their longboat art project this week, assembling the different pieces and adding sails that gave the illusion of Anglo-Saxon raiders catching the wind on a wild…

New House Personalities Artwork

21st February 2024

The Flamingos classroom was a hive of artistic activity this afternoon, as Year 2 have a special double art lesson to create new portraits of our house personalities to display…

The Big Plastic Count

21st February 2024

The first meeting back after half-term saw Arun bring another load of batteries in for recycling. The Sustainability Council now affectionately refer to him as the “Battery Boy” as he…

Blown Away

13th February 2024

During Monday’s Team Building & Problem Solving Prep activity, the children worked in teams to keep a balloon in the air by tapping it. Each child was only allowed to…