child swimming

U11 Swimming Gala v Daiglen

Posted: 5th February 2024

On Friday 2nd February seven boys and seven girls were chosen to swim in some races against Daiglen school during their weekly swimming lesson at Loughton Leisure centre. All individual races were over 25m, featured three pupils from each school, divided by gender and all four strokes were showcased. Our boys team of Arvin, Keerit, Isaac, Bailey, Anaik, Kai and Kyran were particularly strong and came first, second and third in every race! Pupils were limited to two individual races, so each boy contributed meaningfully.

Daiglen girls were rather stronger, with two swimming for Epping Forest Swimming Club. Martha swam well to win the butterfly with Jenny coming a close second in the backstroke. Strong performances were also
forthcoming from Molly, Emily, Lavinia and two young talents from Year 4 in Seren and Eilidh.

The meeting finished with two mixed relay races, freestyle and then medley. Again there was a clean sweep with our squads coming first, second and third in both events. All pupils behaved impeccably, and their prowess also impressed our hosts with one boy remarking, “Wow Sir, all your swimmers are really good!” This was a gentle introduction to competitive swimming for some of our pupils and hopefully we can replicate it

Categories: Sport