child swimming

£750 Raised for Shelter

Posted: 15th December 2023

Students holding their awards

A huge thank you to everyone who supported the Morris Charity Day and to the children who took part in the 50p challenge.  We are extremely proud to announce we raised a whopping £750 for Shelter. We had some very original and creative ideas for the 50p challenge ranging from a 50 second plank (Ehsaan 3DC) and a 50-minute silence (Josephine 5HG) to telling 50 jokes (Aubrey 3DC) and picking up 50 pins (Niquey 6JM).

There were many children who completed more physical activities such as star jumps and skips and a   special mention to Keerit and Arvin in Year 6 who scored and saved 50 penalties between them.

It was a tough decision, but the prize winners are: –

Yorkshire (3KI) who tied her tie 50 times. Huxley (Kingfishers) who drew 50 monsters. Evleen (Cranes) who did 50 cartwheels.

Mrs Gleadell (Morris House Lead) l & Jenny (Morris House Captain)



Categories: Charity Events News