child swimming

Swords, Shields and Saxons

Posted: 22nd February 2023

Our Year 3s were transported back to Saxon times with a special visit from Portals to the Past. The children in 3KI and 3HS learnt all about Saxon history and life before they begin their new topic of Anglo-Saxons. The children in Year 3 all dressed up as Saxons and made swords and shields which looked very authentic! Some of their favourite activities included the re-enactment of the story of Beowulf, which was the basis of our previous English story map, handling artefacts which were over 1000 years old and participating in the Battle of Hastings. All the children enjoyed the day and learnt lots of interesting information about the Saxons and their life and now cannot wait to implement their new knowledge into our history lessons.

Categories: Educational Visit


Reserve your place: Open Events | Private Prep School, Essex | Avon House School


The morning starts at 9am with refreshments in the School Hall. Mrs Campbell (Headteacher) will host a talk at 9.15am including information on our extended Wraparound Care provision, 30 house free childcare code option as well as Nursery sessional timings. Following the talk, our Year 6 pupils will conduct personal tours of the school. We look forward to seeing you there!