child swimming

ISA Table Tennis National Championship Winners!

Posted: 30th January 2023

boys at ISA

After their success at the London North regional event, Zak (6NH) and Vishva (6JM) attended the ISA Table Tennis National Championships at the University of Nottingham. Mr Thornley helped prepare the children for the event with a practice at All Saint’s Church the day prior to the Championships. Travelling via train, the pupils had an early start and were eagerly awaiting performing at a national event. The children produced outstanding performances – Zak took second place and the silver medal, whilst Vishva won the plate title. We are extremely proud of Zak and Vishva’s successes, and their determination shown to achieve their best – well done, boys!


Categories: Sport


Reserve your place: Open Events | Private Prep School, Essex | Avon House School


The morning starts at 9am with refreshments in the School Hall. Mrs Campbell (Headteacher) will host a talk at 9.15am including information on our extended Wraparound Care provision, 30 house free childcare code option as well as Nursery sessional timings. Following the talk, our Year 6 pupils will conduct personal tours of the school. We look forward to seeing you there!