This term, we have been so busy in our new purpose-built Activity Room. Children have really enjoyed Breakfast Club and the sausages, pancakes and hot chocolate have been much appreciated in the colder weather.
During Tea Timers, the children have completed homework spellings and reading. They have produced Autumn gnomes, crazy legged spiders, ripped paper Christmas trees and cotton wool snowman not forgetting the fabulous paper chain that adorned the Activity Room. We have used the Interactive Whiteboard to complete jigsaws, solve maths puzzles and decorate Christmas jumpers and trees. This term, the children have coloured painted stuck sewn and continue to wow us with their creativity.
Our new Breakfast Club and Tea Timer menus are now available on the website.
We are looking forward to seeing you all again next term and filling the Activity Room walls with our newly themed arts and crafts. Have a fantastic holiday Mrs Chambers, Miss Dade and the Wraparound Care team.
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