child swimming

The Royal Mews and Westminster Abbey

Posted: 19th September 2023

students in a carriage

On Monday 18th September, Year 2 travelled by tube to the Royal Mews at Buckingham Palace and then walked down Bird Cage walk to reach Westminster Abbey as part of their introduction to their topic of the term ‘Bright Lights, Big City!’ The children eagerly mapped out the route they would need to take on the tube, travelling on both the Central line and the District line. The children were so excited to see Buckingham Palace and enjoyed watching the guards outside and checking to see which flag was flying to know if the king was home!

At the Royal Mews the children learnt about Coronations, past and present, before crowning our very own Jaxsen the first and Queen Alizay the first!

We had a wonderful tour of the carriages at the Royal Mews where the children were fascinated to learn why one carriage had a table in the middle and how the royals climb into the carriage! They loved experiencing climbing into their own carriage and giving a royal wave after viewing the actual golden carriage from the coronation of Kind Charles III.

They also had the opportunity to meet two of the royal horses.

After, the children walked down Bird Cage walk, past St James’s Park to Westminster Abbey. The children were able to view the chair used in the King’s Coronation and understand where the  Coronation took place.

We had a tour of the Abbey which involved learning some of the features of the church and the children thought it was very special to light a candle for our school before travelling on the tube home.


Categories: Educational Visit